Discover Our High Efficiency, K-Rated, Power Conditioning Transformers
As many of you may have experienced … “bad power” in the form of voltage transients, spikes, and high frequency noise can wreak havoc with sensitive electronics and controls! At a minimum … data corruption may occur, causing system upset …
Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, Industry News, Company News, Press Releases
To our valued customers and industry partners:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic … effective March 24, 2020 and for the following (3) weeks through April 14, the Governor of Michigan has issued a “stay home, stay safe” executive order restricting …
CPC’s “Egress Lighting Integrity Test”
In terms of monitoring, testing, data recording, and recordkeeping, the matrix below shows which of our centralized emergency lighting inverters meet or exceed NFPA 101 (up through and including section
Compliance With NFPA 101 (click image to enlarge)…
Solutions To Electrical Power Disturbances
Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, Company News
Have you ever wanted a simple matrix that illustrates “which types of electrical power quality products solve which types of power problems”? We have just such a document to help you!
Our “Solutions To Electrical Power Disturbances” flyer:
Identifies common…