Re-Branding Update!
Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, Company News
A lot more excitement happening here at Trystar’s Troy, MI location! We want to take a few minutes to share how our re-branding effort has continued to take shape over the past few weeks!
In September, we hosted the Trystar Senior Leadership Team and Board of Directors. That was an exciting day for everyone, and we were pleased to have them here with us! Greeting them at the entrance to our property: our new facility signage, which proudly boasts the Trystar logo!
Rather than use our interim combined logo that we’ve already introduced, we opted to convert this sign directly to the actual Trystar logo. (We do expect that other commercial re-branding efforts will also move at a faster pace as needed, thus bypassing the interim logo phase.)
Documentation such as our “Terms and Conditions of Sale” and “Purchase Order Terms and Conditions” now include our interim combined logo and the name “TRYSTAR” in our address block. You’ll soon begin to see our interim combined logo on our Quotation Forms as well!
Additionally, our outside sales rep agencies have begun to include our interim combined logo on their product linecards, to help promote our re-branding!
Lots more to come … stay tuned! And as always, we welcome any questions or concerns you may have! All feedback will be reviewed by the appropriate member(s) of our Trystar – Troy team, and we will reply to you with any further clarification.
Thanks for continuing to enjoy the journey right alongside us!