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Looking For Superior Voltage Regulation?

by Suzanne Hooley

General Power Quality

Manufacturing operations in the 21st century have become increasingly complex due to high-tech automated assembly / packaging processes, greater production demands, equipment repeatability and reproducibility standards, and quality control metrics.

Many manufacturing facilities and industrial applications (e.g., aerospace, lasers, machine …

Recent Power Outages Across The U.S.

by Suzanne Hooley

Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality

In recent weeks and months, the U.S. has been plagued with a number of widespread, major power outages, which have affected millions of electrical utility customers.   The causes of these recent outages were primarily from faulty equipment and acts of …

What’s An “NFPA 99 Compliant” UPS?

by Suzanne Hooley

Medical Power Quality

Patient safety is a primary concern when selecting a medical-grade uninterruptible power system (UPS) for use in hospitals and other healthcare facilities — especially when that UPS is going to be used with patient vicinity and portable (cord-connected) equipment.


Hello, and Welcome!

by Suzanne Hooley

Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, "From the Field", Industry News, Company News, Press Releases

You’ve found our recently-launched company blog!!   Maybe you stumbled-upon us in an online search for a power quality term, or maybe someone pointed you in our direction.   Nonetheless, we’re glad to have you with us here … thanks for stopping …