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Hello, and Welcome!

by Suzanne Hooley

Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, "From the Field", Industry News, Company News, Press Releases

You’ve found our recently-launched company blog!!   Maybe you stumbled-upon us in an online search for a power quality term, or maybe someone pointed you in our direction.   Nonetheless, we’re glad to have you with us here … thanks for stopping by!

We’re a manufacturer of electrical power quality solutions for mission critical and life safety applications.

We developed this blog as a way to stay in-touch with you (our sales prospects, customers, manufacturer’s reps, electrical contractors / distributors, specifying engineers, etc), and we hope you’ll choose to stay in-touch with us and follow us by subscribing to our RSS feed (see the link on the right)!

We thought this blog would be a great way to share pertinent product and application info with you, as well as give you the opportunity to ask questions and interact with us!   We anticipate our blog being a valuable resource for you, and a real win-win for both of us.

Navigation is pretty straightforward … current posts are front-and-center, categories of archived posts are on the left, and a list of recent posts in reverse-chronological order are on the right.   Besides our own product and application news, we’ll also offer some real-world info from our subject-matter experts out in the field, some pertinent and helpful industry news … and from time to time we’ll even throw in some “not-so-technical stuff” just for a brain-break!

So again, welcome!!  And thanks for your interest in Controlled Power Company, and our electrical power solutions!

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