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Choosing A New UPS?

by Suzanne Hooley

General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality

Are you looking for a single-phase business continuity solution for your computer server rooms, healthcare I.T. networks, small to medium-sized data centers, or industrial automation?   With so many UPS products and manufacturers available, the research and selection process has to be stressful at the very least … if not downright mind-boggling!

Let us help you … let us eliminate the guesswork for you!   May we suggest a UPS that provides you with the following?

  • Extended battery backup time, without the need for additional cabinetry.
  • An internal computer-grade isolation transformer providing electrical noise attenuation and power conditioning.
  • Nominal input voltage options from 120 VAC to 600 VAC, with conversion to the exact nominal output voltage needed, even in bypass.
  • A secure maintenance bypass system that assures a fully in-sync transfer, and allows maintenance to be performed without shutdown.
  • An information-rich color monitor with an easy-to-use, high resolution touchscreen display.
  • Full network communications, including options for Ethernet TCP/IP, MODBUS TCP/IP, or MODBUS RS485.
  • Output distribution options where you decide the exact receptacles and/or breakers supplied.

If some or all of these features are on your “must include” UPS checklist … don’t compromise … !   Choose our true online, double-conversion  “Model ES” !

Along with the “Model ES”, we invite you to explore our other UPS products, which all offer the same / similar features, as well as power conditioning, isolation, and continuous back-up power …

Ask us about our complete, integrated UPS solutions!

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