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Providing A Regulated Output To Emergency Lighting Fixtures

by Suzanne Hooley

Emergency Lighting

We are sometimes asked the question,  “Is it important that emergency lighting inverters provide a regulated output to emergency fixtures?”

The answer is a resounding  “YES”!    And here’s why!

A regulated voltage source:

  • Provides stable voltage to LED drivers and PFC ballasts.
  • Minimizes voltage drops associated with longer wire runs.
  • Results in less-frequent replacement of ballasts, LED drivers, and in particularly the lamps themselves.
  • Assures that facility egress lumens are maintained 100% (will not diminish) over the full 90 minutes of emergency power.

Curious?   Want to know more details?

Share your question(s) with us below!   And meanwhile, learn how to simplify NFPA 101 compliance and lower maintenance costs by using our centralized emergency lighting inverters!

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