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Putting the “Customer” and “Support” Into “Customer Support”!

by Suzanne Hooley

Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, Company News

Whether you’ve been following us for weeks now, or are new to our blog, you’ve no doubt been reading about our products, applications, and some of Controlled Power Company’s qualities that set us apart from our competitors.   But did you know that we also offer a top-notch customer service program and customer support plans?

Upon receipt of your new Controlled Power Company product, we encourage you to submit an online warranty registration form.   In addition to the hardcopy owner’s manual that you received with your new product, you may also request that a PDF copy be e-mailed to you!

Besides our standard warranty on each of our products, which guarantees each product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 1 – 3 years (product-specific) following shipment from our factory, we also pride ourselves in being able to offer you a wide variety of extended warranty and service plans to specifically meet your needs and budget !

Reap the long-term benefits of scheduled preventive maintenance visits, as well as extended hours of onsite repair coverage if necessary!   Ask us about our “Start Up Plus” program, which is truly the “best-bang-for-your-buck” !

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