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Training The Best To Bring You The Best

by Suzanne Hooley

Emergency Lighting, General Power Quality, Medical Power Quality, Company News

Have you ever stopped to think about the wealth of knowledge that your local Controlled Power Company sales rep agencies have when it comes to recommending one of our electrical power quality, medical-grade power, or emergency lighting inverter solutions?   Not only does your local rep understand “power quality”, but (s)he knows the particular CPC product’s competitive advantages … as well as what sets Controlled Power Company apart from our competitors!

Last week, we hosted one of our “Sales Rep Training” seminars.   Participants typically include new rep agencies, new-hires within rep agencies, and reps wishing to refresh their knowledge and/or educate themselves about some of our newer products.

In a “small classroom” style with a low participant-to-instructor ratio, our reps spend 1.5 days with us here at our facility in Troy, Michigan.   In a “lecture / open discussion / hands-on” format, we educate our reps about the necessity and fundamentals of electrical power quality, provide detailed descriptions and applications of each of our product families, and discuss our marketing efforts and customer support.

We not only facilitate our reps’ efforts in field sales, but these individuals’ comprehensive knowledge of our products and services enables YOU to make informed purchase decisions about which of our products best suits your needs!   A true “win-win”!

And just so you don’t think that 1.5 days is all “work, work, work”, we include a healthy balance of good food and social fun while our reps are here!   Below is a photo taken during our evening playing “WhirlyBall” together.   “WhirlyBall” is a 5-on-5 team game that is a unique combination of basketball and lacrosse (using a scoop to pass and shoot a whiffle ball toward an elevated goal) — while driving bumper cars !   No kidding!   I’ve learned that there are only about 16 “WhirlyBall” locations around the U.S. — 3 of which are here in southeast Michigan!

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